Life Center: A Healing and Cultural Place

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A Healing and Cultural Place

Missid Ghanem, MPH, Psy.D
                           -    Psychologist
Beverly Solomon, LCSW     -     Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Carolyn Harrison, M.Ed    -    Licensed Professional Counselor

(Psychological Services)
26515 Oakridge Dr., Woodlands, TX 77380

The Life Center services are designed to assist clients across many dimensions.

Our mission includes:

  • Offering the opportunity for self-reflection and increased self understanding for those who so desire.
  • Offering the opportunity to work through and resolve emotional pain for those who may be struggling with inner turmoil.
  • Complementing, where indicated, the medical treatment by attending to your Mind and Soul, in addition to your Body.
  • Increasing the opportunity to be fully alive.
  • Increasing the ability of people to be spontaneous in their daily activities.
  • Increasing the ability to engage in satisfying and fulfilling relationships with others.
  • Promoting and encouraging artistic and cultural expression of emotions in the community.
  • Being generally a positive, encouraging and celebratory force in the community.

    We strive to meet the Life Center mission by assuming such diverse roles as psychologist, psychotherapist, speaker, program planner, workshop organizer and festival host.

"I wanted  only to try to live in accord with
the promptings which come from my true self...
why was that so very difficult?"

--Herman Hesse (Demian)

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